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Should I Give My Dog CBD Oil

I love the fact that more holistic approaches are considered for treating behavior issues such as anxiety with dogs, but is it always the right solution?

Nowadays there’s so much more information out there and tools that we can utilize for the benefits of our dogs. CBD oil is the hype currently and so are essential oils that can be used in various different ways for the benefits of your dog and yourself.

I myself have actually started incorporating essential oils for my dogs.

The concern I have however is that it seems to be a 1st go to for many people right now instead of using it as complimentary treatment.

People going online saying “my dog has anxiety what should I do” and there come the self proclaimed dog trainers and veterinarians saying “use CBD oil, works great” or “try essential oils” or “my vet gave my dog prescribed medication and now he’s calm”.

While the random person on the internet will tell you it’s the only solution that you need, every holistic Veterinarian and other people who specialize in using holistic methods for you dog will tell you that it does require more than just that.

It is made out to be this cheaper easier wonder solution that will cure your dog from all his issues when in fact, all these treatments are meant not as a 1 thing cures all, but rather as a complimentary option.

All these solutions, medications etc you can take advantage of are not going to help your dog fully unless the root causes are also addressed.

If you have a dog with behavior issues where you feel any of the holistic solutions could be of benefit and you want to give them a try I encourage you to do so BUT ONLY if you are also considering really looking int the root causes of the issues and are willing to work on those as well which often times will include training and changing the way you live with your dog.

Because I know you really want to have a happy dog and not just a drugged up zombie.


About the author:

Simone Krebser - CPDT: Owner and head dog trainer of K9 Possible Dog Training serving the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia from Osoyoos to Penticton and Kelowna. Certified dog trainer, certified pet first aid instructor, member of the IACP, dog crazy and chocolate/cheese addict. “My life revolves around dog’s day in and out and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It is my goal to help enhance the lives of all the adventurous and outdoorsy dog owners that crave no limits”

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