2 Major Things That Will Help Influence Your Training Results
Nature VS Nurture OR Nature & Nurture
Those are the two things that will immensely affect your dog’s behavior and training results.
Let me show you how though and explain more what exactly that means
Every being on earth comes with their own DNA that holds information about them not just physically but also mentally. It will predict what reactions are triggered by something.
For dogs, while there is individual personalities to each dog, there’s also the fact that they are predators with natural instincts and genetics.

So their predisposed genetics will have to be factored in when you consider training. There will be things that can be influenced and others that can’t. The more aware you are of who your dog is deep down as the animal, the better prepared you can be for the training and therefore plan for your desired outcome which brings us exactly to the next thing.
Here’s the thing, nature is often stronger than nurture. We can’t nurture the dog out of the dog. But we can nurture things (as lot of them) that will help them be able to better exist in our world by being mentally and physically sound and set them up for their individual success also in connection to their breed.
What are things that can be included in the nurture part? How can you nurture your dog to be the best he can be?
The daily environment you expose your dog to is important. Are you mimicking the environment in a way that it benefits your dog or are you just expecting your dog to fit in regardless of their personality and what works for them?
This is a big portion of not only physical well being but also mental well being. Feeding your dog species appropriate will help with a healthy brain function and much more
Not just walking your dog. But providing breed and species specific activities that biologically can fulfill your dog so they are satiated.
Physical Health
Through not only exercise and nutrition but also providing holistic treatment options for ailments that put the least amount of stress on the system and create the maximum results for a feeling of wellbeing in the body. There's so many things out there now including Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Energy Work, K9 Massage, Plant Medicine and more
Mental Health
Which includes nurturing through nutrition, exercise and breed appropriate stimulation but also the incorporation of alternative treatments and training options again such as reiki, plant medicine, TTouch and what not. Your options are endless to finding something that aligns with you and your dog's needs
Helping your dog by establishing boundaries and teaching manners in a way that they can learn to understand what we expect for them and then can learn to relax in a man made world instead of trying to question and fight for survival at all times.
By nurturing all the aspects above you can create maximum learning abilities and the ability to adjust as much as possible and have a dog that has the maximum quality of life.
So you can see, we have lots of opportunities to influence our dogs in ways that can benefit them. The more points you hit, to closer your dog gets to the best self he can be and these are all aspects we include into our training programs to really help you bring the highest potential out of your dog.
About the author:
Simone Krebser - CPDT: Owner and head dog trainer of K9 Possible Dog Training. Certified dog trainer, certified Pet First Aid Instructor, Pet Essential Oil Specialist, member of the IACP, dog crazy and chocolate/cheese addict. “My life revolves around dog’s day in and out and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It is my goal to help enhance the lives of all the adventurous and outdoorsy dog owners that crave no limits”